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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Stargate Atlantis Season 5

: Ep. 1|43:38|
Atlantis races against time to save team members trapped in a collapsed compound, and rescue a pregnant Teyla from Michael's clutches.

The Seed
Stargate Atlantis
Season 5 : Ep. 2|43:40|
When a mysterious alien organism takes Dr. Keller as it's host, Beckett and the crew deseperately search for a serum to save her from the evolving intruder before it can infiltrate Atlantis.

Stargate Atlantis
Season 5 : Ep. 3|43:36|
Ronon is captured by his former friend, Tyre, and turned over to the Wraith. As the team struggles for leads, Ronon goes on a torturous ordeal.

The Daedalus Variations
Stargate Atlantis
Season 5 : Ep. 4|43:38|
A drive malfunction aboard a mysterious duplicate Daedalus sends the team jumping thorugh various alternate realties where they encounter sinister alien life forms, a searing sun, and a pitched space battle over Atlantis.

Ghost in the Machine
Stargate Atlantis
Season 5 : Ep. 5|43:35|
A mysterious entity causes crippling havoc within the city's computer system.

Wach 6 thru 12 tomorrow.

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